Our Fair Usage Policy allows customers with a valid Appeon product license to a reasonable usage level of the applicable Appeon product Redistributables and/or PowerServer, as applicable. If your Appeon product is licensed as a subscription and it lapses, under limited circumstances as outlined in Section 8 of the Appeon license agreement, you may continue to use applicable Redistributables. If this Fair Usage Policy does not meet your needs, please contact the sales dept. (sales@appeon.com) to discuss alternative licensing options and cost.

Fair Usage of PowerBuilder/InfoMaker

  • Usage of Redistributables on an unlimited number of Machines (e.g. desktop computers), provided only one (1) user connecting to each Machine at any given time; and/or
  • Usage on a maximum of three (3) Servers with unlimited number of users, provided the Redistributables are used through remote desktop access only.
  • Both production and non-production use (e.g. testing) are permitted, provided any development use requires subscription license of the Redistributables.

Fair Usage of .NET DataStore

  • Usage of Redistributables on N plus ten (N+10) Servers with unlimited number of users, where N is equal to the number of developers programming for the Redistributables.
  • Both production and non-production use (e.g. testing) are permitted, provided any development use requires subscription or perpetual license of the Redistributables.

Fair Usage of PowerServer

Development Licenses

  • Usage of PowerServer (Developer Edition) on one (1) Server for each valid subscription of PowerBuilder CloudPro, provided only one (1) user connecting to each Server at any given time.
  • Only non-production use (e.g. development) is permitted, and such use only during the PowerBuilder CloudPro subscription period.

Production Licenses

  • Usage of PowerServer on an unlimited number of Servers, provided said Servers are for Your own internal business use. For OEM/distribution rights of PowerServer, please contact the sales dept. (sales@appeon.com).
  • The total number of User Sessions across all Servers shall not exceed the licensed capacity, and in the event of an “Unlimited” User Session license the licensed capacity shall be 100,000 User Sessions.
  • Both production and non-production use (e.g. testing) are permitted, provided any development use requires subscription license of PowerBuilder CloudPro.

Legacy Licenses

If you purchased a perpetual license of PowerServer 2020 or older, the Fair Usage Policy for production licenses is replaced with the following:

  • Usage of PowerServer Workgroup Edition on a single standalone Server (not clustered) where the total number of User Sessions shall not exceed the licensed capacity.
  • Usage of PowerServer Enterprise Edition on a maximum of N Servers where the total number of User Sessions shall not exceed the licensed capacity. If the licensed capacity is 1500 User Sessions or less, N shall be 2. If the licensed capacity is 5,000 User Sessions or less, N shall be 4. If the licensed capacity is over 5,000 User Sessions, N shall be 6.
  • Both production and non-production use (e.g. testing) are permitted, provided any development use requires subscription license of PowerBuilder CloudPro.

If you purchased a subscription of PowerBuilder CloudPro (formerly known as Universal) before October 1, 2019 and continue to have one or more valid subscriptions, Fair Usage of PowerServer production license is expanded to also include the following:

  • Usage of PowerServer (PB Edition) versions 2017 – 2020 on a maximum of three (3) Servers per company with unlimited number of users, provided that the Servers are configured standalone (not clustered) and access is through the PowerServer mobile client app (e.g. Appeon Workspace) only.
  • Both production and non-production use (e.g. testing) are permitted, and such use only during the PowerBuilder CloudPro subscription period.